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Five Well-Being / Work Life Balance Tips

Balancing stones representing work life balance & well being

I’m sure this goes for everyone, but here at Wild Apple HQ the last year has seen us reassess what’s important in our work life balance. We thought we’d share a few tips that our ‘Apples’ have been using:

  1. Embrace the great outdoors Take a coastal walk, or wander through a woodland and reconnect with nature. If you don’t have green spaces close by, take a day trip to the coast, or visit your local national park. It’s all too easy, with the pace of modern life, to forget about the simple things. Team Wild Apple recommend you take time to listen to the rustling of leaves, the crashing of waves, or the setting of the winter sun. Chief designer Gary loves to hit the road on his bike and burn off the stress, whilst exploring the winding roads of Dorset. Whilst Sam loves to clear his mind with a spot of fishing.

  2. Remote Working Working from home has been embraced by many and shown to be as productive, if not more so, than being in an office environment. The shift in working environments brings with it, its own issues. Our Apples recommend making a workspace work for you, have set work hours (include regular breaks), plot personal time, and make exercise a must-do, not a should-do. Rebecca uses her work breaks to walk Rufus - her rescue pointer and in her spare-time, loves to cook or paint with her watercolours.

  3. Friend & Family Relations Many people’s social lives have been turned upside down, but it is important we work on maintaining friendships and family relations (if desired!). Wild Apple has embraced technology with zoom quizzes, family WhatsApp groups and regular phone conversations. Physical meet-ups have been trickier, but where possible go for that walk with a family member/friend, or even share a coffee with a neighbour over the fence.

  4. Comfort eating Comfort eating has been the downfall of more than one of our team members (mentioning no names), especially with working remotely. To a certain degree ‘will power’ is required, the alternative is to swap that packet of biscuits for a healthier option. Dried fruit or a bowl of mixed nuts have been a favourite amongst our team.

  5. Strong Team Values The importance of strong team values (workplace wise) has never been more important. Wild Apple has worked hard to maintain work relations with daily video meetings and google messenger, ensuring communication and regular colleague engagement is maintained. We have also relied heavily on a flexible and adaptable approach to ensure standards are maintained and that the client isn’t affected by changing work practices.


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